Multi-Sports Complex – Lawn Bowls, Bocce, indoor bowls and First Tee Youth Values Programme

Junior Golf

At Mornington we have the most developed and safe training facility in Wellington. The training & coaching facility offers our junior programme a wide range of core fundamentals in a safe environment. The facility includes an all-weather chipping and pitching area, putting, and soon to include four driving nets. Coupled to the all-weather area is a large putting surface surrounded by a pitching zone.

We have introduced a junior lounge where inside instruction can be provided along with a recreational area.

To enhance our programme, Mornington have introduced The First Tee Values Programme (see for further information).

Our junior programme is suitable for children 5yrs to 18yrs.

Mornington have two qualified First Tee Values coaches and a PGA qualified coach. They are supported by a number of club volunteers and parents.


After School
In School
Sunday 1pm Coaching Level 1
Sunday 1pm Weekly Tournament
& Level 2 Coaching
Junior Convenor: Ray Tuffin 021 168 2504